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Writer: Pastor Nathan NassPastor Nathan Nass

This past Friday, I saw a sad sight. A man stood on the end of his driveway with a forlorn look on his face. He was too late. Do you know what he missed out on? The garbage truck! He could see it just four houses down. So close! Yet, there he stood with a full garbage can. Too late. Does that happen to you? Once that truck goes by, there’s no second chance. You’re stuck with your smelly garbage for another week. It’s a terrible feeling to know you’ve missed out.

Can you imagine what it would be like to miss out on heaven? If it darkens your day to miss the garbage truck, can you imagine realizing too late that Jesus is your Savior? What an awful feeling! Yet, how often do we push off Jesus and his Word? How often do we go through life assuming there will be another day, another opportunity, another time to focus on Jesus? Except, one day there won’t be. One day, he will come, and it will be too late. May we not get stuck with our smelly sins and suffer in hell for refusing to believe in our Savior. Don’t miss out!

So here’s the Bible’s encouragement: “Now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). What beautiful, urgent words. God’s favor is resting on you and me right now. He’s sent Jesus to be our Savior. He’s paid for every one of our sins. He’s given us his Word. He’s provided us with so many opportunities to hear and read and learn it. So don’t miss out. Take advantage of God’s favor, of God’s grace in Jesus. When is the time? Now!


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