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Bless Those Who Persecute You

Writer: Pastor Nathan NassPastor Nathan Nass

Sometimes God sounds downright crazy. Like this, “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse” (Romans 12:14). Is that your attitude? When someone mocks your faith, do you think, “God bless you!” When you’re mistreated, do you pray, “God, be good to them.” When the wrong people seem to get everything good, do you think, “That’s good.” Don’t you want to fight fire with fire? To give them back what they deserve? “Bless those who persecute you…” Does God know how hard that is?

Yes. Just ask Jesus. You and me and the rest of us human beings are the worst persecutors of all. We’ve mocked God and sinned against him more times than anyone could count. And yet, what did Jesus do? On the cross, he asked for forgiveness for those crucifying him. Jesus died for those persecuting him. Isn’t that amazing grace? It’s God’s incredible love. For you. For me. How can you pray for those mistreating you? How can you bless those who hate you? How can you refuse to answer evil with evil, but instead with a blessing? Only through Jesus. Try it. Bless those who persecute you today.


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