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Writer's picturePastor Nathan Nass

Every Knee Should Bow

Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:9-11)

We treasure what Jesus did for us on the cross. We treasure the forgiveness of sins that Jesus won with his body and blood. We treasure Jesus’ willingness to die for sinners like us.

But don’t think for a second that Jesus is still on the cross! Don’t think for a second that Jesus is still suffering! He walked the lonely road to his death, but he didn’t stay dead. Far from it! God raised Jesus from the dead, exalted him to the highest place, and decreed that every knee should bow to Jesus Christ our Savior, in heaven and on earth and under the earth.

We don’t worship a suffering Savior. We worship the Victor! Jesus has won the victory over sin, death, and Satan for us, and now he rules the entire universe for our good. Every knee should bow to Jesus!

So why don’t we see that now? Instead, we see more and more people mocking Jesus, turning away from Jesus, denying Jesus… That’s frustrating. That’s defeating. “How could this be happening? Why isn’t Jesus doing something about it? How could Jesus be in control, with all that’s going on today?”

One day, we’ll see it. One day, on Judgment Day, our faith will be turned to sight. One day, we’ll see Jesus as he really is. One day, everyone will see Jesus as he really is. One day, every knee—whether of people on earth or believers in heaven or unbelievers in hell—every knee will bow to Jesus.

Because Jesus didn’t stay on that cross forever. He rose. He won! For you. For me.

You don’t have to wait until Judgment Day to bow your knee to Jesus. Every day is a day to honor him for all he’s done for us. Every day is a day to live for God’s glory. Every day is a day to let Christ’s victory motivate your life. We treasure Jesus’ cross. We treasure Jesus’ forgiveness. And we rejoice in Jesus’ victory. At the name of Jesus every knee should bow. May God grant it!

Dear Jesus, you won! You won the victory over sin and Satan and death. Thank you! May every day of my life be lived to your glory, and may every knee bow to you—our true Savior and King. Amen.

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