“At least I ain’t killed nobody.” We sure like to set the bar high for ourselves, don’t we? Not. How often isn’t this our proud accomplishment: “I’m a pretty good person. At least I ain’t killed nobody!”
Are you sure? Even if the bar for being a good person was so low that all you had to do was not kill anybody, would you be considered good? Consider what Gods says: “Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him” (1 John 3:15). Have you hated someone else? Have you ever been angry? I have.
The Bible points out something we’d rather ignore: To God, our thoughts matter. To God, our words matter. Sinning—even killing—isn’t just something we do with our hands. That’s why I can’t say, “At least I ain’t killed nobody.” I have. Again and again. With angry thoughts and bitter words.
That’s why I need Jesus. That’s why you need Jesus. Just as much as any murderer does. Just as much as any “big” sinner does. Because the more you read the Bible, the more you’ll realize just how sinful you are. But the more you read the Bible, the more you’ll realize just how gracious Jesus is. He died for us!
“Jesus still loves me, just as I really am?” “Yes he does!” When you realize you’re a real sinner, rejoice in God’s grace for real sinners.