I was biking in the darkness of early dawn. Up ahead, I saw a black spot along the side of the trail. Curious, I went to get a closer look. Then I saw it: A black tail with a bright white stripe down the middle. A skunk! His tail was straight in the air, and he aimed it right at me.
What do you think I did? I tried to get as close as I could… No I didn’t! I got off my bike to get a closer look… No way! I put my head down and pedaled away as fast as I possibly could!
That’s what the Bible encourages us to do. Not just with skunks. With every whiff of false teaching. Paul wrote, “I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them” (Romans 16:17).
When so-called Christian teachers weren’t teaching the truth of God’s Word, Paul didn’t say, “It’s okay.” Or, “Let’s agree to disagree.” Or, “It’s really all the same in the end.” What did he say? “Keep away from them!”
Why? Because the truth of God’s Word is that special. The gospel message of forgiveness and life through faith in Jesus is that precious. Whenever someone twists or distorts or cuts or changes the Word of God, do what you’d do if came across a skunk: Keep away from them!
