We love putting people up on pedestals. Then we love tearing people down from pedestals. Isn’t that what we see all around us? Either people putting people up on pedestals and praising everything they do, or people tearing people down from pedestals and criticizing everything they do. It would help if we all understood something from the Bible: “There is no one who does good, not even one” (Romans 3:12). The person I put on a pedestal, you can tear down. The person you put on a pedestal, I can tear down. Because every single one of us is sinful. Maybe it’s time to stop putting human beings up on pedestals!
Except one: Jesus. Jesus is perfect in every way. No examination of Jesus’ past will reveal any secret sin. If Jesus had a Facebook page, you could go back through thousands of years of posts without a single moral failing. In fact, Jesus died for us who haven’t done good at all. “Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name” (Philippians 2:9). Want someone to raise up? Jesus! Want someone to worship and adore? Jesus! Want someone to look up to? Jesus! Want someone to save you? Jesus! May Jesus be the only One on the pedestal of your heart.
