What’s sin? It seems like everybody has their own opinion. In fact, we like it that way. “What’s wrong for you doesn’t have to be wrong for me.” “If you don’t like how I live, that’s your problem not mine.” “You have no right to judge me!” What’s sin? Actually, God has a very simple definition. “Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness” (1 John 3:4). What’s sin? Every time we break God’s law. That’s sin! When you curse? Sin. When you hate? Sin. When you sleep together outside marriage? Sin. When you mock the government? Sin. It’s not complicated. Your and my opinions really don’t matter. God’s opinion is what counts. “Everyone who sins breaks the law!”
So have you sinned? If we use our made-up definitions of sin, we can make excuses. When we use God’s definition, however, there’s no doubt. I have broken God’s law. Everyday! You have too. So here’s the very next verse: “But you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins. And in him is no sin” (1 John 3:5). Who’s that talking about? Jesus! It’s only when you really see your sin that you can really see your Savior. When the weight and magnitude of your sins finally hits you, know this: Jesus came to take away our sins! Your sins are real, but so is Jesus’ forgiveness. It’s for you. You’re forgiven! Confessing the truth about our sins let’s us rejoice in the truth about our Savior Jesus.