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Soli Deo Gloria

Writer: Pastor Nathan NassPastor Nathan Nass

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. (Colossians 3:17)

Johann Sabastian Bach was a famous composer of classical music in the 1700s. You can still hear his music played in churches and concerts all over the world today. Whenever Johann Sabastian Bach finished writing a piece of music, he had an interesting custom. At the end of each song, he wrote the letters: SDG. At first glance, you might have thought they were his initials. But Johann Sabastian Bach’s initials were JSB, not SDG. Why would he end each song with the letters SDG?

Because he was a Christian, and he wanted all the glory to go to God. The letters SDG are an abbreviation of the Latin phrase: “Soli Deo Gloria.” Can you guess what that means? “To God alone be glory.” These letters were a simple, yet clear confession of Bach’s faith in God. As he wrote each beautiful piece of music, he wanted the whole world to know that it was by God’s grace to God’s glory.

Isn’t that refreshing to hear? You know how tempting it is to claim—or demand!—credit for whatever we do. When people finish a game or a concert or an election, it’s tempting to say, “I earned this! Look at what I did! I finally got what I deserved!” For each of us, sinful pride is always lurking in our hearts.

So remember these letters: SDG. Better yet, remember what they mean: “To God alone be glory.” Left to ourselves, we couldn’t accomplish anything good. We would just mess everything up. But we’re not left on our own. We’re the dearly loved children of God. Jesus forgives our sins, and the Holy Spirit takes our faulty human efforts and turns them into something beautiful in God’s eyes. Isn’t it amazing that God can make something good come from us? What power! What grace!

Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Whether you’re composing beautiful music or cooking dinner for your family, do it all to the glory of God. Whether you’re winning a championship or taking out the garbage, do it all for the glory of God. End each day with these letters: SDG. To God alone be the glory!

Dear Lord God, drive sinful pride far from my heart. Open my eyes to see your hand in everything. May all I do and say today bring glory to your holy name. Amen.


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