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Suffering with Joy

Writer: Pastor Nathan NassPastor Nathan Nass

You welcomed the message in the midst of severe suffering with the joy given by the Holy Spirit. (1 Thessalonians 1:6)

There’s a surprising story about Jesus’ disciples in the book of Acts. After Jesus ascended into heaven, his disciples began preaching about Jesus in the city of Jerusalem. As they preached, they faced what Jesus told them they would face: Opposition. Persecution. In fact, Jesus’ disciples were arrested by the same Jewish leaders who had put Jesus to death. They were put in prison and flogged.

How would you like that? I wouldn’t like that! I wouldn’t like that at all! If someone arrested me and beat me for my faith in Jesus, I think I would be very angry. Maybe bitter. Probably discouraged. I’m sure I would be wondering if being a Christian is worth it at all. Is it worth it to have to suffer for Jesus?

Here’s where the surprise comes in. After all this happened to Jesus’ disciples, do you know what they did? They rejoiced! They rejoiced that they were worthy to suffer for Jesus (see Acts 5:41). Far from giving up or giving in, those disciples rejoiced that their suffering connected them to Jesus their Savior.

They weren’t the only ones. Unlike Jesus’ disciples, the Christians in Thessalonica hadn’t spent three years with Jesus. It sounds like they had only spent three weeks listening to Paul preach. Yet, those three weeks had changed their hearts. They had learned how Jesus had been arrested and beaten and mocked and crucified to save them from their sins. They had learned how Jesus had risen from the dead and gone to heaven to prepare a place for them. They had learned to love Jesus.

So when they were persecuted for their faith, they rejoiced. What could be better than to be connected with Jesus? If the same people who rejected Jesus were rejecting them, they took it as a compliment. What a powerful testimony to their faith! How could they suffer with joy? Just “by the Holy Spirit.”

Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to give you and me the same joy in the face of suffering. If the world mocks you, it mocked Jesus too. If the world mistreats you, it mistreated Jesus too. If the world hurts you, it hurt Jesus too. Isn’t it great to be connected to Jesus? Yes! May the Holy Spirit empower us to suffer with joy.

Dear Holy Spirit, Christians have always faced opposition and suffering for the sake of Jesus. Remove our doubts and worries, and allow us to suffer for Jesus with joy. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.


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