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The Spirit Is with You

Writer: Pastor Nathan NassPastor Nathan Nass

You can never feel the wind at your back. Have you ever noticed that when you’re running or walking or biking? You can almost never feel the wind at your back. It can seem like a perfectly calm day, but the moment you turn around, you’re surprised when a strong wind slaps you in the face. You can feel the wind blow against you so much more than you can feel the wind at your back.

I wonder if that’s the truth too often in our lives. We so easily feel all the winds blowing against us. Every time we turn, it seems like there’s something new slapping us in the face. But it never feels like there’s any wind behind us. Where’s God when we need him the most? All we feel is the wind against our faces.

Yet, on the night before Jesus died, he promised his disciples they would never be alone. God the Father was about to give them the “Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you” (John 14:17). What a perfect description of the Holy Spirit! You can’t see him. You can’t feel him. But don’t be discouraged. He lives with you and is in you all the time. I know there’s so much pushing against you in your life. Don’t forget you have an even stronger wind at your back. Whether you feel him or not, the Spirit is with you today!


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