Did you know that a man in the Bible was killed by a lion for refusing to punch a prophet of God? Sound strange? In 1 Kings 20, one of God’s prophets spoke to his companion “by the word of the LORD” and said, “Strike me” (1 Kings 20:35). The man refused. I bet he thought he was doing the right thing. Why would he strike God’s prophet? Except going against God’s Word is never the right thing. The prophet rebuked him for not listening to God’s Word, and a lion later found him and killed him. Can you see the powerful lesson in that surprising story? God is serious about his Word—about every part of his Word!
So what parts of God’s Word have you been ignoring or flat-out rejecting lately? God’s Word about anger or jealousy or bitterness? God’s Word about lust or sexuality or marriage? God’s Word about self-control or sacrifice? God’s Word about submitting to authority? God’s Word about loving him with all of our hearts, souls, and minds? To ignore God’s Word is not okay. That man in ancient Judah learned the hard way. God is serious about his Word. You and I need to repent of our sins or face God’s judgment.
So why don’t lions hunt us down? We deserve it, but thankfully the Word of the Lord tells us how God sent Jesus to die in our place the death we deserve for every time we’ve broken his Word. God’s Word tells us how God loves and forgives and saves those who have faith in Jesus as their Savior. It’s a blessing that God is serious about his Word! May we love and listen to every single part of the Word of the Lord.
