As the three-pointer swishes through the net, the player pumps his chest and stares down the opposing fans. As the stock market climbs, the CEO boasts of his company’s innovations. When the test scores come in, the school administrator credits their new programs. We love glory. We long for glory. For ourselves! We want to succeed. We want to be praised. We long to be recognized for how good we are at what we hold dear. How does that end up? Is that why we so often feel disappointed, slighted, sad?
A believer in God long ago figured this out. God gave him a completely different attitude: “Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness” (Psalm 115:1). Do you know who really deserves the glory—all of it? The One who created the universe with the words of his mouth. The One who knit your body into the miracle that it is. The One who gave up his life so that we could be forgiven and saved. The One who loves and forgives and loves and forgives over and over again. The One who is faithful, always. To God be the glory in all we think and say and do today!
