Earlier this month, our nation observed its National Day of Prayer. Freedom and peace and justice are wonderful blessings that come from God. But do you know what specific request Jesus asks us to pray about? He says, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field” (Matthew 9:37-38). Jesus asks us to especially pray that God would send out workers into the harvest field of the world to share his Word with us and others. We need pastors. We need teachers. We need dedicated church members eager to share Jesus’ salvation.
Today, Jesus is answering that prayer. It’s graduation day at Martin Luther College—our college of ministry that exists to train workers for God’s harvest field. Teachers and staff ministers are being sent off to new fields. Future pastors are moving on to continue their training at our Seminary. God be praised! There is nothing our nation needs more than more Christians sharing the peace and hope of Jesus. In your prayers today, pray that Jesus go with those who are entering the ministry, and pray that our God who wants all people to be saved would send out many more workers into his harvest field.
