It’s really nice to be in the shade. I’ve learned that this summer. Here in Oklahoma, the highs have been at or near 100 for days. The heat index has been around 110 each day. Sound bad? It’s hot! Unless you’re in the shade. It’s almost unbearable to work or play out in the sun. But to sit or play in the shade? It’s actually nice! The temperature is the same, but shade makes all the difference in the world.
That’s helped me appreciate one of the Bible’s beautiful descriptions of God: “The LORD watches over you—the LORD is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night” (Psalm 121:5-6). What’s God like? He’s our shade. 100 degree temperatures are bad, but here’s what’s worse: The weight of guilt or regret. The pain of disappointment and hurt. The daily jabs of other people’s anger and spite. Sin beating down on us. Day after day after day. That’s unbearable!
So come in the shade! “The LORD is your shade”! He took your sin and nailed it to Jesus’ cross. He takes your regret and drowns it in his promises of his control over your life. He fills the holes left by disappointment and insult with his love. Do you know how Jesus’ forgiveness and love make you feel? Cool. Refreshed. Restored. It’s hot out in the sun. So come in the shade. “The LORD is your shade”!